Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 2006

Leaves are changing color, there's a nip in the air, and I don't run outside in the morning anymore due to the dark and cold--it must be autumn! Here's a quick update . . .

Brittany is really enjoying school--Cindi just went to her parent/teacher conference, and she is doing well in classes. The topic she seems to struggle most with is math (a subject that is an Achilles heel for both her Dad and Mom).

Brit recently finished her soccer season--she and her good friend Brett played defense together for many of the games, and really created a good tandem. We hope to get her into an indoor league for the winter.

I mentioned in my last letter she broke her pinky finger on her left hand at the church Youth Conference in August. She now goes to a weekly rehab session, and it appears one of the screws is beginning to work its way up and may potentially puncture the skin. So, to make a long story short, she may be looking at another surgery. She (obviously) is not too excited by this prospect; we are hoping it will not be necessary.

Jensen is in 3rd grade now and brings home a homework packet they create just for him. His teachers and aides are very organized, and make our job as parents much easier regarding his education. He has done well getting on and off the bus without his big "junior high" sister. Jensen's major addiction now is LEGO STAR WARS II (a game on Playstation 2). He is a typical kid in a lot of ways.

Andrew has been wandering more now than before--he used to like to watch videos and play the computer in his room, but now he is all over the house listening to his iPod shuffle or watching his portable DVD player. I think a lot of it is his age; puberty is around the corner and he is more restless. He likes to go outside, and we have had to change some locks on entry doors so he doesn't "escape" on us; he has made it out without us knowing a few times. We try to curb this by taking him on more frequent walks around the neighborhood.

A wise man once said "Life is half spent before we know what it is." I think you would agree with me that as we grow older time passes more quickly; just blink and your loved ones are gone. Enjoy your time with good friends and family; other things will come and go, but relationships are the things that add the richest spices in the soup we call life.