Friday, March 02, 2007

January/February Update

Here's the latest on us . . .

Doing well in school. His teacher makes a special packet of homework just for him every week. He is particularly adept at math and improving in reading all the time. Cindi is the "room mom" for Jensen's class this year, so she was in charge of his Valentine's party--she did a great job! I was able to get off work to help; about 5 other parents showed up to assist as well.

He has started getting into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles again. He is excited about the TMNT movie coming out in late March.


We started him on some new medication--Risperdal (.25 in a.m., .5 in p.m.) recently. It is an anti-psychotic drug that helps fire some neurons that previously may have been inactive and vice-versa. Since starting the new med, we have seen some marked improvement. His emotional imbalance (happy one minute, upset another) has leveled out, and he is able to focus more. We have also seen some big strides in speech development (most of it is still echolalic, but is improvement nonetheless).

She started piano again a few weeks ago (after her broken pinky finger incident). She is also in a singing course and a guitar class at school.

She loves her page. Talks to her friends online all the time.

She is in sunny CA right now with her friend Kallie, her mom, and Cindi's good friend Annie Woodward. They spent two days at Disneyland and are seeing a matinee of WICKED today in Los Angeles. They are driving back to Annie's home in St. George after the matinee, will stay the night there, and come home tomorrow.

Still working at Banana Republic.

Very busy with taking Brittany to all her after-school activities and serving as leader for Activity Days for the young primary-aged girls in our ward.

Enjoying every bit of her vacation in CA right now. She has time to relax and decompress. Also has been looking forward to spending time with Annie.

We launched Fluid's new website ( in January.

Involved heavily in Stake activities as the Stake Young Men's President. Also doing quite a bit with the Deans at BYU and involved in many meetings surrounding the new Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni and Visitor's Center ( I am on the Building Committee and assisting with some programming issues.

Still training for the Salt Lake Marathon taking place in late April.

Hope all is well with everyone!