Sunday, June 10, 2007

June Update

June is upon us now, and we had another birthday. Andrew turned 12 on the 5th. We took him to Barnes and Noble to pick out some books. He absolutely loves to go there and pulls all the Disney books off the shelf, plops them on a table, and just begins to look at them all. Even though he already own a lot of them, he will look at them there and be content for hours if we let him just sit there. It is a good place to go as they encourage people to sit and read the material they have there. He is quite gentle with books, so we do not worry about him ripping pages or eating covers like he used to when he was about 6 years old.

Yes, Andrew loves books. He does not understand the difference between the library and Barnes and Noble or a grocery store, however. He goes to the library and can get a large number of books, and when he is at a bookstore or the grocery store cannot understand why we limit him or do not let him get any at all. When I am in line at the grocery store he will often pull 4-5 magazines from the racks by checkout and John is left there trying to persuade him to put them back as we can't "check them out" and bring them back. Oh well, it could be much worse.

Brittany got a annual Lagoon pass again this year so will spend much of her time with her friends there. I am looking for some things she can do at FLUID to make some money as well. She recently had her dance, voice, and piano recitals and her summer will slow down from an extracurricular perspective soon. She is involved in a play production (PETER PAN) this summer, however.

Jensen has been having a blast with his cousins lately! Jacob, a cousin his age from St. George, is staying with Cindi's parents as Jacob's parents are in Germany picking up their oldest son from his LDS mission. Jensen has spent a lot of time with Jacob and his other cousin close in age to them (Jared) lately swimming at Ralph and Midge's and spending time together. It is good to see him interact socially and have fun.

Cindi will start working nights on 6-18 so she can spend the days with the kids and I will be here at night. We hope to have her lower the number of hours she spends at work, and after summer break she will be able to have more flexibility that way.

Hope all is well with everyone!