Saturday, April 29, 2006

April 2006

I haven't written a general family letter for some time (I think this is the first for 2006), so I will write at least a quick one to bring you up to speed on the Dyes.

Jensen, our youngest, turns 8 on May 15. He is in second grade--he is doing OK there socially, but academically is a year or two behind where he should be. He has really come a long way--he is taken out to resource a few times a day, and shows good aptitude in Math but lacks in English and Spelling. He still loves Cartoon Network and Star Wars. He also has a "special" friend--her name is Dezery (Dez-er-ae). She is with Jensen in the picture. She is so good with him--so patient and understanding. She is in his class, and they play Star Wars and other "boy" games.

Andrew turns 11 on June 5. He is really starting to sprout up. We just received an academic report from the Augmentative Team that deals with Technology and how it applies to special needs children, and he did quite well. He matched the Disney video to the typed title name on another sheet, and he was even asked to type the title of Disney videos that he wanted. He needed to see the title in order to spell accurately using the keyboard, but he did it and would say the letters as he typed them.

Brittany turned 12 on March 19. She is back into soccer; she is on an all-girls team consisting of fifth and sixth-grade girls. She is tall and still growing—she is probably 5’ 6” (2-3 inches taller than Cindi). She is also still taking piano. Her latest hobby is getting on MSN Messenger with all her friends. For most of us, when we were teens it was monopolizing the phone talking to friends; apparently, Messenger is the thing now. It’s hard to believe she is in junior high school next year!

Cindi is still at the GAP (very part-time), and also works during the days for her older brother as a receptionist.

I have been staying busy with Fluid. I have had to travel quite a bit this year—China, Bentonville, AR (Wal-Mart—went there twice so far), and Chicago in May.

Cindi, Brit, and Brit’s cousin (Alyse) will come out to Chicago after my conference ends and we’ll stay out there for four days. Brit is a huge Wicked fan (the musical that is basically a prequel to The Wizard of Oz), and we will see that out there. We will also see some of the other sites, and visit Cindi’s brother that lives relatively close by in Wisconsin.

Well, that should bring you up to speed on the majority of what is going on. Feel free to leave comments (there is a link below) or e-mail me at


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