Friday, August 17, 2007

August 2007

Wow! August is here already. A lot has happened this summer, and here are some of the highlights.

Spent a lot of the summer with his cousins. He went to St. George a couple of times to be with Jacob, his cousin there. He has also enjoyed spending time in Grandma's pool.

He really got into a Pokemon craze this summer (this started when a cousin brought out his old Nintendo 64 console and they played Pokemon Battle Stadium).

He is excited to start 4th grade on Monday (8-20). He has the same teacher as he had in the 3rd grade--she is doing a split 3rd/4th this year.

Started a program called CTA (daily respite care for autistic people).

It is 1-on-1 care, so we feel comfortable with the arrangement. All the care providers love Andrew--he is one of the youngest in the program (about 12-14 people total).

Andrew turned 12 in June, and he started Junior High School today (8-17). He seemed to transition well, although time will tell.

Summer can be summed up in a few activities for Brittany. Camp, mall, singing/dancing groups, and Peter Pan.

She went to Brighton Girls Camp and had Stake Girls Camp this year.

She loved hanging out at the mall with her friends.

She has been involved in Guyz 'n Dollz (singing/dancing group) last spring and this past summer. They had a GUYZ 'N DOLLZ IDOL competition and she won 1st place for her age category.

Finally, Peter Pan has taken up much of her free time. It is a production being put on by Murray Community Theater, and she has the part of an Indian. She has had daily practices (except Sunday) for over 6 weeks! She has done well (below are some clips from her parts in the production), and the play was extremely well done.

Cindi is still at Banana Republic. She worked nights mainly this summer so we tag-teamed being with the kids. SHe will drop some hours now the kids are back in school.

John has been extremely involved in Stake Youth Conference. It was August 9-11.

West Jordan River Stake Youth Conference (August 9-11, 2007) from dyejo and Vimeo.

He also helped organize the BYU Cougar Club Big Blue Bash. Last year 250 showed up, and this year there were over 600.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Brittany and Jensen on their first day of school (8-20)

Brittany is in 8th grade; Jensen is in 4th grade

Andrew on his first day of 7th grade (8-17)


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