Sunday, August 27, 2006

August 2006

I haven't written in a while, so thought today would be a good day.

The kids started school last Monday (August 21). Brittany actually started the Friday prior to that, but since she is in 7th grade, her new school had the 7th graders come Friday and then let them off Monday (as only 8th and 9th went that day). Then, all went on Tuesday. Guess it gave the 7th graders time to get their locker combinations figured out and an idea of where their classes were before they started to get hazed by the older students.


Brittany really loves school--she only has a few classes with friends from her elementary school (as 3 or 4 elementary schools feed into the Jr. High). She is making fast friends with others, though, and really enjoys it asscoiating with both her old and new friends.

She broke her pinky finger on her left hand at the church Youth Conference a few weeks back. She was playing football (with a Nerf ball) and somehow jammed (and broke) it really bad. A nurse was there, splinted it, and said not to worry.

Well, after a few weeks we noticed it was not growing back straight, so when I took her in to get her 7th grade shots we had the doctor look at it. The doctor said to get it X-rayed ASAP. When they saw the X-ray, they set up an appointment quickly to get it reset as bone was beginning to grow around the break and it would be hard to reset. To make a long story short, we had to have her go under the knife to have it rebroken, reset it, and have pins put in for stability. She now has some physical therapy every other week to help her get flexibility and functionality back. She is finally to a point she can practice and play with her soccer team again.

Jensen is in 3rd grade and seems to enjoy being at school again. He has to get on the bus alone this year as Brittany is no longer at his school. We are proud of him as he has done well in this way.

Andrew is in 6th grade. He has been having some aggression problems with his aides--he seems to have a hard time working after coming off summer vacation. We need to talk to someone to get that rectified. As he gets older and bigger, we need to make sure that is under control so he doesn't hurt anyone (including himself).

We are enjoying a late summer/early fall; leaves will start turning soon, and the smell of pigskin is in the air! We are grateful to live in an area that has all 4 seasons and we can enjoy each of them!

Hope all is well with you--drop us a line if you get a minute.


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