Sunday, November 05, 2006

October 2006

Wow, another month has rolled by already! Fall is here (the picture above is up Provo Canyon--a falls that is above BYU's family camp, Aspen Grove).

Here's a quick update on what is going on with the Dyes.

Brittany heard about a girls indoor soccer league for the winter, so Cindi signed her up last Friday. She is excited about that--will be on a team with one of her friends.

For Halloween, she dressed up as Snow White and won the "best costume award" at the party she went to that evening.

She is still in rehab for her finger, and the next surgery should occur this month. We are hoping that gives her more mobility for her pinky.

Jensen was Jango Fett (a Star Wars character) for Halloween. (Big surprise there, right?). He has been doing very well in math lately, and his reading is improving. Academically, he has far surpassed my expectations so far, and hopefully the progress continues at the same rate this year. He has some good aides and a good teacher, and I think they work well with him. He also does his homework packets without a lot of complaints, although the occasional moan and groan is to be expected.

Andrew has turned into our busybody--he is always on the go and wants to be outside. We go on a lot of walks around our neighborhood, and he is pretty good about not running off while we are on these excursions. Since he is non-verbal, he sometimes gets frustrated at us for not understanding what he wants. We are slowly getting better at reading his mind (that is what Cindi and I could have been for Halloween--Karnak!).

Since we are not long from snow falling and the holidays upon us, have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with family and friends!


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